201818  星期一






Mao slipped out last night and fought with a yellow cat. I hurried to take him home. There was blood. Blood spread on floor and wall, but Mao didn't have wound. So the other cat must have been bitten by Mao and bleeding.


It was 2:20-2:50 am.





Omg! Nooo Mao!


Did you see the other cat? How did you know the fight was going on?


The whole scenario was thrilling. I was awoken by fighting cry of Mao but I knew Mao was in house. I got up to the first floor and found Mao was on the bay window trying to fight with something outside. I decided to scare away the outside cat so I open the house door to make a short dash. I can't see anything. So I closed the door and went to the living room again, I called Mao but no answer. The action-induced light of neighbor Mr. Ma was on, I thought that was caused by the outside cat.


Suddenly I saw a cat in the bay, it must be Mao, but how come it slipped outside in just the one second I open the house door to make my short dash ? I didn't see anything, not outside cat, not Mao. I rushed to my bedroom to dress up (I wore only underwear when I made my dash) and went outside.


Mao was standing off with a yellow cat I never saw before. I called Maomi and approached slowly. The other cat escaped as I came close. I took Mao home and I heard Mao was gurgling on throat. Near the house door I saw a drop of blood on my left hand. After entering the house, blood spread wide and dense on the floor, it is fresh blood. I checked Mao immediately, there was no wound, and Mao began to pur.


This morning when I clean the blood on floor I saw they are also on wall, I don't quite understand how come there is so much blood. And it is thrilling that Mao slipped out in the seconds I open the door. I DID'NT see him!!  If I were not of cautious nature I could have gone upstairs to sleep (until 11:30 am) and there could have been a bloody event between Mao and the stranger cat.


I think the gurgling I heard was blood on Mao's mouth, but I am not sure because I don't see anything on Mao. The blood is mysterious; I am not sure where they came.


The scenario took place between 2:20 and 2:50 am this early morning.



Get Mao checked at a clinic maybe? Just in case?


OK, but Mao was outside only minutes. and He doesn't have any wound on body. I didn't see any fight I see only a stand-off between two cats.


But the blood splashed really wide. The whole entry corridor tiles, a small area of wood floor and on the wall.



Maybe Mao hunted a small animal. Two cats were fighting for the 獵物


No time for that. I opened the door only for seconds then retreated because it was cold and I have only underwear on. Then I went to the living room to ensure Mao, he was not there, I called, no answer. The light of Mr. Ma was on. Then suddenly I saw a cat stalking in the bay. I couldn't believe my eyes because the time is so short, it doesn't allow Mao to be in such a distance in such a short time. But it was Mao. Then I rushed to upstairs to dress up and went down and went out. Mao was still there, at the driveway of the house on the other side of the bay, and with a small animal of lighter color. I called Maomi to soothe him and approached then I recognized it was a yellow cat of short hair. I kept calling Maomi because otherwise I would also scare Mao. The yellow cat escaped when I was close. I could easily take Mao because he stayed at the spot. Actually I have taken a look at Mao's mouth; I don't think I saw any blood around his mouth. Mao doesn't appear to have any wound except some lost hair.





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